Call for Research Articles/Manuscripts

Frequency: Monthly

Issue: 12 

Media: Online & Print

Publish your book/Conference proceedings with IMPACT Journals


Important Dates:
Manuscript Submission deadline: 11 JULY 2024
Acknowledgement Notification: Within 5 hours
Acceptance Notification: Within 2-3 business days

Paper publication: Within 5-6 business days from the date of Copyright agreement

S.No Journal Submission Deadline Publication Date Volume & Issue
1 IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL);  JUL 11, 2024 JUL 11, 2024 12(7)
2 IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology  JUL 11, 2024 JUL 11, 2024 12(7)
3 IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Business Management (IMPACT: IJRBM);  JUL 11, 2024 JUL 11, 2024 12(7)
4 IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences (IMPACT: IJRANSS); JUL 11, 2024 JUL 11, 2024 12(7)


How to publish research papers and manuscripts?

There are two easy ways to publish research papers and manuscripts in IMPACT journals ( :

1. To publish by e-mail, send an email with your paper as an attachment to

2. You can upload your paper / manuscript in the website by clicking on the menu item "Submit Articles" in the  website  -

Thanks & Regards,
The Editorial team,

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