IMPACT : Journal of Modern Developments in Religion & Philosophy, Performing arts & political Laws (IMPACT: JMDRPPAPL)

ISSN(Print): Applied ; ISSN(Online): Applied

Impact Factor(JCC): --; NAAS Rating : -- ; IBI Factor : -- ;

"IMPACT : Journal of Modern Developments in Religion & Philosophy, Performing arts & political Laws"  is a peer-reviewed,  open access journal  and seeks to explore problems of the philosophy of religion, religious experience, Arts and Political Laws and expression in the verbal, visual and performing arts, in the context of contemporary theory and culture. This journal is an interdisciplinary publication where interpretations of old and new works can appear and provides a medium for the exposition, development, and criticism of important philosophical insights and theories relevant to religion in any of its varied forms.  Journal comprises research papers, articles, symposia, case studies, review articles & reports, discussions, reviews, short communications case reports, notes, and news, serving the interests of the target audience & readers.   The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:

  • Politics,
  • Gender concerns, and developmental issues
  • Modern explorations of heterogeneity and pluralism,
  • Material culture and sign systems
  • Power relationships
  • Issues of exploitation and unmindfulness
  • Visual and performing arts
  • Philosophy & theology
  • Political Laws and Bureaucracy

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Impact Factor(JCC)

  • --;
  • Applied
  • Applied